Thursday, September 14, 2017

"Watch the pounds melt away!"

...if only it were that easy ;).

That said, I have a lot to report since the last time I posted. As noted in mid August, I hit a milestone.  That milestone, specifically, was the 200 lb. mark on the scale.  Yes, it was 200 and change, but it was the first time I'd seen that number in a very long time.

Subsequently, for days, I watched the number sloooowly, very slowly drop, day by day, ounce by ounce.  There were a few days where I knew I would actually be below 200, but I also recognized that my water consumption alone was going to add ~2 lb. And then...

  • On September 8th, I officially dropped below 200 lb.
  • A few days later, I hit 198.x on the scale.
  • On September 14th, I weighed in at 196.x
So I am guessing 200 was something of a plateau, and I am grateful to have broken through it. Despite the excellent progress over the last few days, I need to be vigilant to assure things (water weight be damned) don't move back up.  

Overall, I have been pleasantly surprised to see things consistently drop, as opposed to bouncing back and forth. I don't expect this will always be the case, but I'll take what I can get!

They say real weight loss comes from the diet, and in the end I suppose that's mostly true. However, I have no doubt in my mind that my workouts have also played a major influence. The day I hit 198 was also the day after a pretty heinous 'cheat day', which featured, amongst other things, four slices of pizza and a handful of tacos.

I guess workouts are worth mentioning, at least briefly, because I hit a few milestones there, too. 

In the past, I'd flirted with a 60 minute workout on the bike a few times, but never quite made it there -- more psychological than physical. Then, following my aforementioned food overindulgence, I once again hit the bike.  The results?
  • For the first time, I completed an hour on the bike
  • For the first time, I broke the calorie barrier, apparently burning over 700 calories.
  • This workout, by the thinnest of margins, set a PR for most calories burned per minute. 
In short, I'm quite happy. I'm also sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop, but until it does, I'll just keep working out!

I'm over 10lb down since Jun 2017. Another twenty or so to go!

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Let's Get Physical

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