Friday, July 14, 2017

What's this blog about, anyway? (FAQ)

About Me

I'm a 40-something guy who has had on-again, off again relationships with the gym since college. More often than not, recently, it's been "off-again".  While I'm not what I'd consider significantly out of shape, I've nonetheless got some significant weight that I'd like to lose.

For a long time, I've also been pondering whether or not I want to get ink (a tattoo). One particular thing that has kept me from doing so is the simple fact that I've never known what I wanted.

Time passed, and now I'm fairly sure I have a general idea what I want to get.  Ink is an expensive proposition, however, and a commitment one doesn't take lightly (well, most don't). I figure I still have a little bit of time to research exactly what I want. More importantly, however, I feel like it is something I need to earn.

In short, I will be trying to use weight loss/fitness as a motivator to let myself get the ink I want.

Why the blog?

I figured I could use a blog to keep me accountable, and to both share with, and learn from, others interested in journeys of weight loss and fitness -- and potentially, tattoos. I guess it's a unique niche, maybe others will find it interesting.

Why "#fat2tat"?

It's a riff on things like #fat2fit, etc., I guess? In reality, I just thought the rhyme was funny.

Why something different? Yes, I have an end goal of getting into better shape. I hope it becomes evident through this blog, however, that I have dual goals. As such, I wanted something different that I could "own" (or at least originate).

Are you basically going to humblebrag about your workouts?

No. In fact, to be quite honest, I'm not following much of an orthodox diet/fitness plan, other than working out. I expect to have good days and (perhaps significantly) bad days. If anything, I think this blog will help me find what works well for me.

Contents will be probably along the lines of:
  • Had a good workout today because...
  • I'm frustrated because...
  • These are some interesting ideas for ink...
I plan to be authentic.

Are you going to pimp supplements and shakes?

No, and god no. It is true that I am interested in trying new things, and I may talk about them.  I may (or may not) even link to various things I've tried, but I don't have much interest in the latest fad diets or supplements. 

What I will be is quite honest about what I like and don't like about things. You may or may not agree, and you may or may not have the same reaction(s). 

In short, I know what I like, and may branch out from time to time. I also may write about stuff I've used in the past. But it the aim isn't to market, it's to tell my story.

Would you blog about something that I want to let you try?  

I suppose, but see above. I will probably be brutally honest.

Are you trying to be anonymous?

No, and eventually I will link this to some of my other social media profiles, none of which are anonymous and most likely won't be directly associated with, or focused on #fat2tat.  I may crosspost stuff from time to time. I'll probably try to remember to use the hashtag.

It is true that I didn't use my Google profile for this blog. I am not sure why. But I'm not trying to hide or anything.

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